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It Started In The Labs

A team of researchers at Uppsala University in Sweden, including Sara Frykstrand Ångström, Johan Gómez de la Torre, Professor Albert Mihranyan (not pictured), and Professor Maria Strømme, successfully synthesized a stable amorphous and mesoporous magnesium carbonate with an extraordinarily high surface area, which they named Upsalite®.

Pharma Background & Spin-off

In 2021, the pharma business unit at Disruptive Materials spun-off into Disruptive Pharma AB.

Award Winning Material

Since the start, Disruptive Materials was voted one of the hottest new tech companies by “33 Listan” (a well known list of the most interesting Swedish tech companies) for two consecutive years. We have also released award-winning partner products in both the sports and cosmetics sectors.

2014: Disruptive Materials was the winner of the Nordic Cleantech Open– a competition for highlighting the new innovative cleantech startups in the Nordic and Baltic regions. Disruptive Materials also received the SKAPA Award- Sweden's best invention of the year the Swedish Innovation Prize, and the Venture Cup Award – Sweden's oldest and largest entrepreneurial competition.  

2017: Disruptive Materials was awarded Nordic Nanotech Company of the Year by an International jury. The motivation read “With a nanotechnology-based innovation, a commercial focus from the start and a long-term business strategy and an excellent presentation, Disruptive Materials AB acts as a role model for start-up companies in nanotechnology and is a worthy winner of the award.” The award ceremony was held during Nano Forum 2017.

2024: Disruptive Materials was awarded the 'Maverick Influencer Ingredient' Award for Upsalite® at the Society of Cosmetic Chemist Show in New York City.

The inventor of Upsalite®,  Professor Maria Strømme, won the following awards linked to her discovery of Upsalite®

2016: Maria was awarded Swedish Woman of the Year by SWEA International. She was also awarded Hjärnäpplet – An innovation prize from Uppsala University to reward the production of research results or knowledge assets that resulted in an innovation with the potential to create great social benefit. The same year she was awarded Årets hedersupplänning– an honor given by the governor to recognize the person who has made significant contributions in business, culture or in other ways for the county's future and development.

2018: Björkénska priset – The most prestigious award at Uppsala University for outstanding scientific research with a technical and natural science or medical focus.

 The Utilization of Research prize from the Swedish Foundation of Strategic Research.

2021:The Rudbeck Medal of Uppsala University. It is awarded ‘for extraordinarily prominent achievements in science, to be conferred primarily for such accomplishments or findings attained at Uppsala University.’


Advice & Answers
Disruptive Materials

Can Upsalite® be used in aerosols?

Yes, Upsalite® is approved and already used in various aerosol products.

What makes Upsalite® unique?

The Secret is in the Pores:

Upsalite® is truly a multifunctional ingredient with a narrow pore size distribution, and a high surface area which enables superior simultaneous absorption of lipophilic and hydrophilic substances such as sebum and sweat. The porous structure gives Upsalite® the ability to absorb more than other commonly used ingredients in addition to scattering light and increasing adhesion to skin.

Is Upsalite® a nanomaterial?

Upsalite® is not considered a nanomaterial according to EU and US regulations. It has a particle size distribution where less than 50% of the particles are sized below 100 nm, determined by a Tier 2 analytical method. Additionally, it is neither insoluble nor bio persistent, which aligns with the EU definition of a nanomaterial.

Does Upsalite® work with any type of formula?

Upsalite® is compatible with anhydrous or water-free formulations. It works well with both dry and liquid anhydrous binders and is compatible with high pigment levels, providing a smooth, natural finish with shine control and sheer coverage. However, it is not recommended for use in water formulations as its structure attracts water, which can lead to crystallization and degradation of the porous structure over time.

How do I get a sample of Upsalite®?

Please submit a request via our 'contact us' button.

Is Upsalite® Natural?

Upsalite® has a Natural Origin Index of 0.99 and as such, are to be considered under the definition as a Derived Mineral according to the definition in ISO 16128-2 2017 (Criteria for ingredients and products). Upsalite can be made with a Natural Origin Index of 1.00 by request.

Is Upsalite® COSMOS approved?

Upsalite® (C101) is a raw material verified by ECOCERT GREEN LIFE, compliant with the COSMOS Standard and without animal origin (F363(COS)v09, Issued 02/11/2021).

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