Privacy Policy

We protect your personal integrity and it is important that you feel safe with our processing of your personal data. In this document, we tell you more about our processing of personal data. The information is directed towards people who contact or otherwise have a business relationship with Disruptive Materials.

Contact our data protection officer for further information about this policy:

Types of and Provision of Personal Data

When we send or receive emails to or from you, we collect personal data concerning you. The type of personal data varies depending on the contents of the email, but it normally concerns your name and email address. We ask you not to send us more personal data than necessary, and to never reveal sensitive personal data, such as information regarding your health, over email.

The Purpose of the Processing

Your personal data is being processed primarily in order to be able to come into contact with you. Personal data which is being processed because you are representing a company are being processed for the purpose of us being able to get in touch with the right person at your company. We may also process personal data, such as your name and signature, when entering into an agreement between Disruptive Materials and the company which you represent. Lastly, we may process some of your personal data in order to achieve satisfactory customer due diligence.

Legal Basis of the Processing

Our processing of personal data is based on legitimate interests (GDPR article 6.1.f). We have a legitimate interest to collect personal data concerning you in order to come into contact with you and the company or organization which you represent. Lastly, we consider it a legitimate interest to process your personal data when it is a part of an agreement between Disruptive Materials and the company or organization which you represent. If we process personal data as a result of an obligation in the Anti- Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Act, the processing is necessary in order to fulfil a legal obligation (art. 6.1.c).

Do You Need to Provide Us with Information?

The provision of personal data is not a required according to the agreement between you and Disruptive Materials. Nor are you required by law to provide us with the personal data we request. The information is needed in order for us to fulfil our commitment to your employer. In order for us to fulfil our obligations according to the Insurance Mediation Act, the Securities Markets Act and the Anti- Money Laundering and Counter Terrorist Financing Act, we are obliged to request and, in some cases, collect certain personal data.

Recipients of the Data

The personal data may be disclosed to Disruptive Materials AB or other companies within the group. The personal data may also, upon request or in order to comply with a legal obligation, be disclosed to government authorities such as the Swedish Tax Authority, the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority or the Swedish Police Authority.

Data Protection Officer

Disruptive Materials has appointed a data protection officer who administers inquiries regarding the processing of personal data. You can contact our data protection officer on 073-812 87 03 or

Time of Storage

Personal data which is being processed as a part of providing insurance mediation services or securities services will be stored in accordance with the Insurance Mediation Act, the Securities Markets Act and the Anti- Money Laundering and Counter Terrorist Financing Act. When we no longer need the personal data, we will delete it in accordance with our internal guidelines.

Your Rights

Information and access to personal data
You have the right to require rectification of inaccurate personal data. You also have the right to require the addition of additional personal data which is missing. Furthermore, you have the right to request the deletion of your personal data. We will assess each request and delete the personal data if we have the legal right to do so according to, for example, the Insurance Mediation Act.

Restriction of processing
Under certain circumstances, you have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data.

Object to the processing
Under certain circumstances, you have the right to object to our processing of personal data. We must then cease to process the data unless we can demonstrate a compel-ling legitimate interest to process the data, which overrides your interests, rights or freedoms, or if the data is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.

Data portability
You have the right to require that the personal data which you have provided to Disruptive Materials in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, shall be transmitted to another data controller. The right to data portability is contingent on our processing of the personal data in question being based on consent (art. 6.1.a) or the performance of a contract (art. 6.1.b).

Automated Decision-Making

Your personal data will not be subject to automated decision-making or profiling.

If You Are Dissatisfied

If you are dissatisfied with our processing of your personal data, we would like you to contact us on and describe in what way you think the processing is incorrect. We will investigate your complaint and, if necessary, improve our procedures. Regardless, you always have the right to direct your complaints to the Swedish Data Protection Authority.

Data Controller

If you are dissatisfied with our processing of your personal data, we would like you to contact us on and describe in what way you think the processing is incorrect. We will investigate your complaint and, if necessary, improve our procedures. Regardless, you always have the right to direct your complaints to the Swedish Data Protection Authority.